Astro at best

Astro at Best

The art of chakra healing has been used for centuries to balance important energy centres in our body called chakras. We can use a number of different tools such as crystals or meditation during chakra balancing. The end result will be a physically healthier body and a happier, more peaceful you.

According to practitioners of chakra healing, we all have seven primary chakras that correspond with vital areas of our bodies and emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives. The seven chakras form a line from the base of your spine to the top of your head. Chakras have their own colour, vibrational frequency, and symbol. For example, the first chakra is found at the base of the spine and is known as the root chakra. This chakra governs the spinal column, kidneys, legs, feet, rectum, and immune system. So, when this chakra is out of balance, it may lead to lower back pain, varicose veins, leg cramps, rectal conditions, depression, as well as immune related disorders. A lack of balance in the root chakra may be caused by feelings of low self-esteem, insecurity, or family concerns.

Other chakras include the sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow, and crown chakras. Each energy centre must be vibrating at the proper frequency independent of one another in order for the entire body to vibrate in harmony. Therefore, each chakra is equally important to optimal functioning of the body according to the chakra healing tradition.

 Many powerful tools can affect the vibration of the chakra, and that’s where chakra balancing comes into play. Chakra crystals, music, chants, mantras and chakra meditation bring the frequency of the chakras back into proper vibrational alignment. During chakra healing a practitioner may use one or all of these chakra crystals to cleanse your root chakra and bring it into harmony.

 Chakra meditation may also be used to open up your chakra centres and improve the flow of positive psychic energy in your body. During meditation you simply concentrate on each of the chakras starting with the first one and working your way up to your crown chakra. By imagining the flow of energy from chakra to chakra, you are helping to remove blockages in each energy centre that might be causing pain and disease.

 The chakras govern every organ and system in your body, chakra healing has far reached health implications. Chakra balancing can lead to improved heart, lung, brain, immune and digestive function and may also help with depression, anxiety, and other emotional imbalances. Many believe that the chakras have the power to transform your life both physically and spiritually. It is only when our chakras are in sync that we can truly access higher levels of consciousness.

 If the powerful art of chakra healing sounds intriguing to you, visit an experienced chakra healer. A good healer will ask you plenty of questions about your health in order to pinpoint which of your chakras are the most blocked or unbalanced. From there he or she may employ any number of tools to help lead your energy centres into harmonious vibration.

Chakra Meditation to Recharge the Soul

Chakra meditation helps to strengthen weak chakras and will benefit your health, wisdom and happiness. If you need to recharge your body, mind and soul then using chakra meditation is an excellent way to revitalize you from the inside out.

How to perform a chakra meditation:

The first few times you practice a chakra meditation, make sure that you have an expert to guide you, face to face or using an online video. You need to make sure that your chakras are left more in balance at the end of the meditation than they were when you started!

Start your meditation by sitting down, cross legged in a quiet, dimly lit room. Make sure that your spine is straight, but not stiff. Close your eyes then take a deep breath and start to relax. Now, go through each chakra in turn, starting with the root chakra: -Imagine that you are drawing energy up from the earth, through the root chakra and that this is building up in the base of your spine.

-Then the Sacral chakra: feel the concentration of energy building up around your navel and visualize a flow of warm lava out of this chakra centre.

-Moving on to the solar plexus chakra, let your stomach muscles relax deeply and sense the movement of the energy through your diaphragm.

-Next is the heart chakra. Imagine your heart getting stronger with every breath. See and feel a bright light radiating out from this area.

-Progressing on to the throat chakra, breath in with force. Then gradually relax your tongue, shoulders and neck.

-For the brow chakra, keeping your eyes closed, focus on your “third eye” (the point between your eyebrows). Endeavor to see this area even though your eyes are close and observe what you are seeing.

-Finally, it’s the crown chakra. Visualize a beautiful lotus with a thousand petals blossoming from the tip of your head. As you visualize, see the colour change from a deep violet through to a brilliant white light.

Done correctly, the chakra meditation can bring you into union with the Spirit. It is a very powerful form of meditation and helps you to stabilize your body, bringing an inner peace and harmony to you.

Reiki as tool to activate Chakras

Reiki is initiated by Masters, during attunement Master opens and unblock all your seven chakras. With continuous reiki practices one can keep his/her chakras healthy and activated. This not only helps you to improve your health but many more –

Root Chakra is base, foundation. It also represents foundation year of once’s life age between 0-7years. Mainly at this age, interaction is with immediate  caretakers. Root chakra represents, caretaker, basic needs of life like food, shelter, money etc, its colour is red. It also represents stability and security. in case one faced very hard life at that tender age, his/her root chakra gets blocked. Later in life, he/she may face problems related to it, where he/she may not be able to build secure life for him/her self.

Sacral chakra it represents ones’ relationship with family members and environment. This includes siblings, neighbours, and other relatives of a family. Generally, we start building our relationship with society after the age of seven. Till seven years are primary member is only our caretakers. So, from age of 7 – 14 years we are unable to build good relationships with our family, and surrounding environment then in later years we find it difficult to build relationships. This is by which we can assume that this chakra is blocked.

Solar plexus chakra represents our self-esteem and confidence. This is developed at age of 14 – 18 years. Crucial years when we are becoming an adult and deciding what career or what type of life we want. In case we are not able to achieve set goals, then our confidence, self-perception and self-esteem is damaged. This blocks this chakra.

Heart chakra usually we start getting serious about love relationship from age of 17 years. Where a person judges him/ her self from partner’s eye. In case we are not able to develop good relationship with our partner then we can develop negative emotions like hate, anger, jealousy many more. This is only one example there could be many. But negative emotions block heart chakra.

Throat chakra our power house for communication. When you are not able to communicate or express then you can consider it blocked. These blockages can be deep rooted and can be seeded from many years of life.

Brow chakra blockage means lack of intuition, confusions, not able to take decisions, not determined enough to achieve goals of life, lack of foresight , lack of creativity and many more. If your Brow chakra is blocked you could face any one – two lack mentioned above. Usually when lower chakra is blocked then above chakra also don’t work properly. That’s why we start from base then go up and heal. Crown chakra blocked; you will hesitate to practice in any spiritual practices.

In reiki we work to balance, heal and activate these chakras. Reiki is one of most powerful tools to heal chakras and another way is yoga. Take any healing tool but do heal chakras every day.


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