Astro at best

Astro at Best

Unlocking Your Inner Potential for a Fulfilling Life

Are you seeking a profound transformation that aligns your mind, heart, and spirit?
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Lives

The astrology and holistic healing industry bridges the gap between ancient wisdom and modern lifestyles.

Personalized Guidance:

In a world where individual experiences vary widely, astrology and holistic healing provide personalized guidance.

Exploring Cosmic Influences

By analyzing celestial positions and planetary alignments, practitioners offer insights into personality traits, life events, and potential paths.

Who am I

Hello, I'm Shivali Saxena

Shivali Saxena welcomes you to a sanctuary of holistic healing, where ancient wisdom meets modern insights.

Guided by Shivali Saxena

With a wealth of over 8+ years' experience, Shivali Saxena is not only an accomplished astro-psychologist but also your dedicated partner on the journey to self-discovery.

Fusing Ancient Wisdom

Astro at Best is founded on the belief that cosmic energies provide profound guidance for our lives.

Holistic Transformation

Our vision at Astro at Best is to empower individuals to recognize their innate potential and radiate positivity.

Choose Your Zodiac Sign

The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection

Mar 21 - Apr 19

Explore the dynamic world of Aries astrology on our website. Discover the fiery personality traits, compatibility insights, and horoscope guidance for this adventurous zodiac sign. Get ready to dive into the exciting realm of Aries and unlock the secrets of their bold and pioneering spirit.

APR 20 - MAY 20

Explore Taurus: Discover the world of Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, known for its earthy and dependable nature. Dive into Taurus horoscopes, personality traits, compatibility, and more. Uncover the secrets of this steadfast and sensual sign.

MAY 21 - JUN 20

Unlock Gemini: Dive into the dynamic world of Gemini, the third sign of the zodiac, known for its dual nature and versatility. Explore Gemini horoscopes, personality traits, compatibility insights, and more. Uncover the secrets of this curious and communicative sign.

JUN 21 - JUL 22

Embrace Cancer: Explore the nurturing world of Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, celebrated for its emotional depth and intuition. Delve into Cancer horoscopes, personality traits, compatibility guidance, and more. Discover the secrets of this compassionate and protective sign.

JUL 23 - AUG 22

Unleash Leo’s Fire: Step into the radiant world of Leo, the fifth sign of the zodiac, known for its passionate and charismatic energy. Explore Leo horoscopes, personality traits, compatibility insights, and more. Discover the secrets of this bold and theatrical sign.

AUG 23 - SEP 22

Unveil Virgo’s Precision: Enter the meticulous world of Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac, celebrated for its attention to detail and analytical nature. Explore Virgo horoscopes, personality traits, compatibility insights, and more. Discover the secrets of this practical and organized sign.

SEP 23 - OCT 22

Harmony with Libra: Step into the balanced world of Libra, the seventh sign of the zodiac, known for its love of beauty and pursuit of harmony. Explore Libra horoscopes, personality traits, compatibility insights, and more. Discover the secrets of this charming and diplomatic sign.

OCT 23 - NOV 21

Embrace Scorpio’s Depth: Dive into the intense world of Scorpio, the eighth sign of the zodiac, celebrated for its passion and mystery. Explore Scorpio horoscopes, personality traits, compatibility insights, and more. Discover the secrets of this transformative and determined sign.

NOV 22 - DEC 21

Adventure with Sagittarius: Embark on a journey into the adventurous world of Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac, known for its love of exploration and optimism. Explore Sagittarius horoscopes, personality traits, compatibility insights, and more. Discover the secrets of this free-spirited and philosophical sign.

DEC 22 - JAN 19

Ascend with Capricorn: Explore the ambitious world of Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, celebrated for its determination and practicality. Dive into Capricorn horoscopes, personality traits, compatibility insights, and more. Discover the secrets of this disciplined and goal-oriented sign.

JAN 20 - FEB 18

Innovate with Aquarius: Immerse yourself in the innovative world of Aquarius, the eleventh sign of the zodiac, celebrated for its creativity and humanitarian spirit. Explore Aquarius horoscopes, personality traits, compatibility insights, and more. Discover the secrets of this forward-thinking and independent sign.

FEB 19 - MAR 20

Dive into Pisces’ Depths: Explore the dreamy world of Pisces, the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, celebrated for its intuition and compassion. Immerse yourself in Pisces horoscopes, personality traits, compatibility insights, and more. Discover the secrets of this empathetic and imaginative sign.

About Astro at Best

Astro at Best is the brainchild of Shivali Saxena, a seasoned astro-psychologist and spiritual guide. With a wealth of over 8+ years’ experience, Shivali Saxena has touched the lives of 300+ clients, boasting an impressive success rate of 99.9%. Beyond being an astrologer, Shivali is your dedicated partner on the journey to self-discovery, offering insights that transcend the ordinary.

Astrology is a Language. If you understand this language, The Sky Speaks to You.

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Why Choose Astrologia

Therapies for Holistic Transformation

At Shivali Saxena’s Holistic Healing Haven, our array of therapies is designed to guide you towards profound self-discovery and empowerment. Each therapy is meticulously tailored to address specific aspects of your well-being, ensuring a comprehensive and transformative experience.

Crystal healing

Immerse yourself in the soothing energies of crystals, harnessing their vibrational frequencies to restore balance and harmony within your mind, body, and spirit.

Karuna Healing

Experience the gentle yet powerful embrace of Karuna energy, supporting you in releasing past traumas and facilitating deep emotional healing.

Reiki 1,2 and 3 levels

Unleash the flow of life force energy through Reiki, nurturing your well-being and promoting a sense of inner peace and vitality at every level.

Emotional Freedom Technique

Liberate yourself from emotional blockages and limitations through this effective technique that combines acupressure and psychology, leading to emotional freedom and empowerment.

Schedule an Appointment

Embark on a transformative journey towards self-discovery, empowerment, and holistic well-being by scheduling an appointment with Shivali Saxena. Our personalized sessions are designed to provide you with valuable insights, practical guidance, and transformative healing experiences.

Transform Your Life with Shivali Saxena

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment? Experience the profound impact of Shivali Saxena’s holistic healing services, designed to nurture your mental and spiritual growth. Here are three key highlights of what you can expect:

Personalized Insights for Growth

Discover the power of astrology and modern psychology merged seamlessly. Shivali's in-depth birth chart analysis unveils your unique cosmic blueprint, providing insights into your past, present, and future. Understand your strengths, challenges, and opportunities, guiding you towards making informed life choices.

Tailored Therapies for Well-Being

Immerse yourself in transformative therapies like crystal healing, Reiki, and Emotional Freedom Technique. Shivali's holistic approach addresses emotional blockages, releasing past traumas and limiting beliefs. These therapies rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit, promoting balance and vitality.

Empowerment for Positive Change

Unlock your full potential by clearing subconscious negative beliefs and embracing a more positive outlook on life. Shivali's remedies, including name changes, mobile number changes, Vaastu adjustments, meditation, and mantras, create a harmonious environment for growth and abundance.

Sudhir Kumar
Sudhir Kumar
Very accurate predictions. Sincere and honest in her work.
Poonam Shirguppe
Poonam Shirguppe
I had very good experience with Shivali mam. She is before and next to God for me and will be always. Shivali mam is kind hearted and soft spoken with ability to solve the human problems with her accurate reading and predictions.Tarot card reading gives me clear cut idea about my problems.I had golden chance to learn Rekhi 2nd degree which is changing my life steadily.i feel very sorry for why I meet her so late.if i could have been meet her before my life would be definitely shaped so early. May pray to god many people should have taken guidelines from her and become happy in their life.
Pooja Bhasin
Pooja Bhasin
Shivali is truly professional and a very humble person .she always listen to you and gives you the best possible solution. Keep up the good work!!!
Very nice πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ»
veena saksena
veena saksena
My daughter -son in law, and grandson and granddaughter all were down with covid., in Muscat. My soninlaw and daughter were shifted to hospital and my soninlaw was put on oxygen. I requested Astroatbest to send Reiki and my Son in law said he could feel the healing and slowly both of them recovered and returned home safely. I am highly indebted to the sincerity of purpose of the therapist, and wish all the best to
apurva mukherjee
apurva mukherjee
Hi, I came to know about Shivali from my elder brother living in Pune. He showed her and was satisfied to refer me. The most important factor about her is the way to build rapport with clients, we seek for help when in utmost problem and then words, tone, solution make an additional impact together with the reading. Once you get associated with her, she becomes ur friend and extends help in whatever way to help u heal. Her predictions are accurate. I further referred her to my mom and friend, so definitely she's a gem to come in contact with☺️